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    Alpha and Beta Readers for Work in Progress Questions for Proof Readers FIRST READERS OF KASHEL CHAR WIP ADVANCED manuscripts feedback BY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING READING QUESTIONS! PLEASE sign a NDA? Where did you first stop reading the book? How come? When was it that you felt the story really started? Who was your favorite character and why? Who was your least favorite character and why? Were the plot and characters compelling and engaging? What was your favorite/least favorite relationship and why? (This includes all relationships, not just romantic ones Were there any places that you felt lost or confused as to plot or information? Where? What were you unsure about and was it eventually resolved? Was there any place you felt unsatisfied for any reason? Was this later resolved in the book? What do you want to know more about? For example, would you like to know more about a specific legend, or see more depth in a relationship? Was there anywhere in the book that felt overly predictable or cliché? Did you feel like the descriptions were more showing or telling? (ex. "Ish blushed at his words" instead of "Ish was embarrassed by his words.") Were there any glaring plot holes? If you could change ANYTHING, what would you change and why? Were you able to finish the book? (Did you run out of time and weren’t able to finish it, or did you enjoy it enough to finish). Did you enjoy the book overall? Would you recommend it and how many stars would your overall rating be? Any other comments, spelling, grammar, etc. AFTER REPLYING TO KASHEL, PLEASE DELETE YOUR COPY AND REFRAIN FROM UPLOADING AND SHARING THE MANUSCRIPT WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY OR PIRATE SITES. THEN PROVIDE YOUR ADDRESS TO RECEIVE A SIGNED PAPERBACK COPY OR $25 AMAZON GIFT CARD. CONTACT:

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